Indian History – Unity in Diversity

It is generally said that history has two eyes – one is chronology and the other is geography. In particular, a country’s geography largely determines its historical events. The history of India is also influenced by its geography. Hence, the study of Indian geographical features contributes to the better understanding of its history.
The Indian subcontinent is a well-defined geographical unit. It may be divided into three major regions:

1.The Himalayan Mountains,

2.The Indo-Gangetic Plains

3.The Southern Peninsula.

There are five countries in the subcontinent – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. India is the largest among them and it comprises twenty-nine states and seven Union Territories. According to the 2001 Census, the population of India is over one hundred crores.

2. The Indo-Gangetic Plains

The Indo-Gangetic plain is irrigated by three important rivers, the Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra. This vast plain is most fertile and productive because of the alluvial soil brought by the streams of the rivers and its tributaries. The Indus river rises beyond the Himalayas and its major tributaries are the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas. The Punjab plains are benefited by the Indus river system. The literal meaning of the term ‘Punjab’ is the land of five rivers. Sind is situated at the lower valley of the Indus. The Indus plain is known for its fertile soil. The Thar Desert and Aravalli hills are situated in between the Indus and Gangetic plains. Mount Abu is the highest point (5650 ft.) in the Aravalli hills. The Ganges river rises in the Himalayas, flows south and then towards the east. The river Yamuna flows almost parallel to the Ganges and then joins it. The area between these two rivers is called doab – meaning the land between two riversThe important tributaries of the Ganges are the Gomati, Sarayu, Ghagra and Thar Desert Gandak.

Indian History – Unity in Diversity

It is generally said that history has two eyes – one is chronology and the other is geography. In particular, a country’s geography largely determines its historical events. The history of India is also influenced by its geography. Hence, the study of Indian geographical features contributes to the better understanding of its history.
The Indian subcontinent is a well-defined geographical unit. It may be divided into three major regions:

1.the Himalayan Mountains,

2.the Indo-Gangetic Plains

3.the Southern Peninsula.

There are five countries in the subcontinent – India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. India is the largest among them and it comprises twenty-nine states and seven Union Territories. According to the 2001 Census, the population of India is over one hundred crores.

1. The Himalayan Mountains

The Himalayan Mountains are situated on the north of India. Starting from the Pamir in the extreme northwest of India, the mighty Himalayan range extends towards northeast. It has a length of nearly 2560 kilometres with an average breadth of 240 to 320 kilometres. The highest peak of the Himalayas is known as Mount Everest with its height being 8869 metres. It acts as a natural wall and protects the country against the cold arctic winds blowing from Siberia through Central Asia. This keeps the climate of northern India fairly warm throughout the year. The Himalayan region is mostly inhospitable in winter and generally covered with snow.

It was considered for a long time that the Himalayas stood as a natural barrier to protect India against invasions. But, the passes in the northwest mountains such as the Khyber, Bolan, Kurram and Gomal provided easy routes between India and Central Asia. These passes are situated in the Hindukush, Sulaiman and Kirthar ranges. From prehistoric times, there was a continuous flow of traffic through these passes. Many people came to India through these passes as invaders and immigrants. The Indo-Aryans, the Indo-Greeks, Parthians, Sakas, Kushanas, Hunas and Turks entered India through these passes. The Swat valley in this region formed another important route. Alexander of Macedon came to India through this route. Apart from invading armies, missionaries and merchants came to India using these routes. Therefore, these passes in the northwest mountains had facilitated trade as well as cultural contacts between India and the Central Asia.

In the north of Kashmir is Karakoram Range. The second highest peak in the world, Mount Godwin Austen is situated here. This part of the Himalayas and its passes are high and snow-covered in the winter. The Karakoram highway via Gilgit is connected to Central Asia but there was little communication through this route.The valley of Kashmir is surrounded by high mountains. However, it could be reached through several passes. The Kashmir valley remains unique for its tradition and culture. Nepal is also a small valley under the foot of the Himalayas and it is accessible from Gangetic plains through a number of passes. In the east, the Himalayas extend up to Assam. The important mountains in this region are Pat Koi, Nagai and Lushai ranges. These hills are covered with thick forests due to heavy rains and mostly remain inhospitable. The mountains of northeast India is difficult to cross and many parts of this region had remained in relative isolation.


1). The geographical features of India.
2. The details of the Himalayan Mountains, the passes in the northwest and how they were used by the foreign invaders, traders and migrants.
3. The river systems of the Indo-Gangetic Gangetic valley and their impact on the historical events such as battles and emergence of urban centres.
4. The southern peninsula, the long coasts which contributed to a lot of maritime activities.

RBI Officers Grade ‘B’ Recruitment

About RBI Officers Grade ‘B’
This is the bank exam held for recruitment to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the job of Grade B officer. Find information regarding paper pattern, salary, exam dates, result etc.The RBI conducts an online exam for recruitment to the post of Grade ‘B’ officer in its branches all over the country.

Online Apply: 5 October to 23 October

Exam date: 21 & 22 November, 7 December

Test Duration & Pattern
Phase-I ON-LINE Examination (Objective Type):Total Marks:200

Sr.No. Name of Tests (Objective) ——————-Duration
1 General Awareness                                           130 minutes
2 English Language
3 Quantitative Aptitude
4 Reasoning

Phase-II Written Examination (Descriptive Type): Total Marks:100

Sr.No. Name of Tests —————————– Duration
1 English                                                          180 minutes
2 Economic and Social Issues
3 Finance and Management

Exam Format
The Phase – I exam is conducted online and the Phase II exam is written.More details: Click Hererbi exm

English Antonyms Set-1

1. ASSUAGED (शांत)
b) Devastated
c) Untrue
d) Unsatisfied
e) Foiled

2. HIATUS (अंतराल)
a) Nexus
b) Atavist
c) Cognate
d) Vortex
e) Reflex

3. ADROIT(निपुण)
a) Prim
b) Unskillful
c) Correct
d) Strong
e) Apt

4. RENEGE (इनकार)
a) Vilify
b) Infringe
c) Carry out faithfully
d) Enjoin
e) Augment

a) Love
b) absolution
c) Blame
d) Virtue
e) Awe

6. FRACTIOUS (झगड़ालू)
a) Delicate
b) Solid
c) Agreeable
d) Liberal
e) Wholesome

7. ADMONITION (चेतावनी)
a) Countenance
b) Commendation
c) Deposition
d) Declaration
e) Denial

a) Casuistic
b) Imbecile
c) Qualified
d) Disabled
e) Perspicacious

9. ABSTRUSE (अव्यक्त)
a) Detested
b) Detained
c) Obvious
d) Tight
e) Rebuilt

10. ESCHEW (परहेज़ करना)
a) Welcome
b) Swallow whole
c) Borrow
d) Save

Sekhar Basu was appointed as the chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)

Sekhar Basu was appointed as the chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). By virtue of this position, he will also occupy the office of secretary, Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).
He will succeed RK Sinha who superannuates on 23 October 2015 and will be in the office till 19 September 2016.
Basu is presently the director of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, and also the Chief Executive of Nuclear Recycle Board (NRB), which is a part of BARC.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana

This year Jan 2015 will witness the change in lives of countless girl child and women. The pet project launched by Prime Minister Shri Narender Modi “Beti bachao beti Padhao” (BBBP) Yojana (save daughter, educate daughter) to save and empower the girl child is making waves all over the nation.The scheme will have focussed intervention and multi-section action in almost 100 districts with low Child Sex Ratio (CSR). The objective of this campaign is to celebrate and value the girl child and highlight the importance of education in empowering her.

“The village that succeeds in attaining a balanced sex ratio will be awarded Rs 1 crore’’this strong incentive will reduce the declining CSRensuring that the girl child gets equal opportunities to shine.

Bring a smile to those angels. SAVE THE GIRL CHILD, EDUCATE THE GIRL CHILD!

ATAL Penson Yojana

The Government of India is concerned about the old age income security of the working poor and is focused on encouraging and enabling them to save for their retirement. To address the longevity risks among the workers in unorganized sector and to encourage the workers in unorganized sector to voluntarily save for their retirement. The GoI has therefore announced a new scheme called Atal Pension Yojana (APY) in 2015-16 budget. The APY is focussed on all citizens in the unorganized sector. The scheme is administered by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) through NPS architecture.
– Under the APY, there is guaranteed minimum monthly pension for the subscribers ranging between Rs. 1000 and Rs. 5000 per month.
– The benefit of minimum pension would be guaranteed by the GoI.
– GoI will also co-contribute 50% of the subscriber’s contribution or Rs. 1000 per annum, whichever is lower. Government co-contribution is available for those who
are not covered by any Statutory Social Security Schemes and is not income tax payer.
– GoI will co-contribute to each eligible subscriber, for a period of 5 years who joins the scheme between the period 1st June, 2015 to 31st December, 2015. The  benefit of five years of government Co-contribution under APY would not exceed 5 years for all subscribers including migrated Swavalamban beneficiaries.
– All bank account holders may join APY. Eligibility
– APY is applicable to all citizen of India aged between 18-40 years.
– Aadhaar will be the primary KYC. Aadhar and mobile number are recommended to be obtained from subscribers for the ease of operation of the scheme. If not available at the time of registration, Aadhar details may also be submitted later stage.


MUDRA, which standsmudra for Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd., is a new institution being set up by Government of India for development and refinancing activities relating to micro units. It was announced by the Hon’ble Finance Minister while presenting the Union Budget for FY 2016. The purpose of MUDRA is to provide funding to the non corporate small business sector.
MUDRA would be r
esponsible for refinancing all Last Mile Financiers such as Non Banking Finance Companies of various types engaged in financing of small businesses, Societies, Trusts, Section 8 Companies [formerly Section 25], Co-operative Societies, Small Banks, Scheduled Commercial Banks and Regional Rural Banks which are in the business of lending to Micro / Small business entities engaged in manufacturing, trading and services activities. The Bank would partner with State / Regional level financial intermediaries to provide finance to Last Mile Financier of Small / Micro business enterprises.
Under the aegis of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana, MUDRA has already created its initial products / schemes. The interventions have been named ‘Shishu’, ‘Kishor’ and ‘Tarun’ to signify the stage of growth / development and funding needs of the beneficiary micro unit / entrepreneur and also provide a reference point for the next phase of graduation / growth to look forward to :

a. Shishu : covering loans upto  50,000/-
b. Kishor : covering loans above  50,000/- and upto  5 lakh
c. Tarun : covering loans above  5 lakh to  10 lakh
more details: Click here

Current Affairs Set-1

1. The literature prize was awarded- 2015 is:
a) Takaaki Kajita
b) Svetlana Alexievich
c) National Dialogue Quartet
d) Ram prasad
2. Which of the following states decided to establish India’s first Dolphin Community Reserve?
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Bihar
c) Assam
d) West Bengal
3. Name the Carnatic flautist who died on 9 October 2015 in Chennai?
a) Natesan Ramani
b) U Srinivas
c) MS Gopalakrishnan
d) N Rajam
4. Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved tied-up with which group to sell its products on their retail stores?
a) Reliance Group
b) Future Group
c) MORE Group
d) 24/7 Stores
5. Who was appointed to the Board of Securities and Exchange Board of India?
a) Tapan Ray
b) Anjuly Chib
c) Prabhjot Singh
d) Prakash
6. Name the music composer who died and was known for famous songs like Geet Gaata Chal, Ram Teri Ganga Maili and Chor Machaye Shor?
a) Aadesh Shrivastava
b) Ravindra Jain
c) MS Viswanathan
d) U Shrinivas
7. Identify the multilateral agency that launched Operation Sophia (Phase-II) to combat Mediterranean Migration Crisis?
b) UN Peacekeeping
c) EU Naval Force
d) African Union
8. Which of the following states launched e-Pragati project to facilitate e-governance?
a) Kerala
b) Telangana
c) Karnataka
d) Andhra Pradesh
9. Identify the eminent scientist who was appointed as the chairman of Atomic Energy Commission.
a) Sekhar Basu
b) Anil Kakodkar
c) R K Sinha
d) Srikumar Banerjee
10. ICICI Bank launched which service to enable customers to make electronic payments from their smartphones at traditional stores and e-commerce sites?
a) mVisa based Mobile Payment Service
b) Star mPay Service
c) PayZippy Payment Service
d) PayZapp mPayment Service
11. Which state launched the Operation Valsalya project to track missing children?
a) Uttar Pradesh
b) Rajasthan
c) Kerala
d) Tamil Nadu
12. Identify the Indian-origin poet who was appointed as BBC Radio 4’s first resident poet?
a) Vijay Seshadri
b) Siddhartha Mukherjee
c) Geeta Anand
d) Daljit Nagra
13. With which of the following South American nations, India signed a protocol to Protocol to set up a Joint Economic and Trade Committee (JETCO) on 9 October 2015
a) Brazil
b) Ecuador
c) Argentina
d) Peru
14. Identify the literary personality who resigned from the general council of Sahitya Academy on 9 October 2015
a) Nayantara Sahgal
b) Shashi deshpande
c) Ashok Vajpeyi
d) Sarah Joseph
15. Who was resigned as the CEO of National Skill Development Corporation on 9 October 2015?
a) Atul Bhatnagar
b) Chandrajit Banerjee
c) Dilip Chenoy
d) Subramaniam Ramadorai
1-(a) 6-(b) 11-(c)
2-(b) 7-(c) 12-(d)
3-(a) 8-(d) 13-(b)
4-(b) 9-(a) 14-(b)
5-(a) 10-(a) 15-(c)

Editing text (Edit)

Edit text includes selecting, deselecting, deleting, inserting, replacing text, which are described in this subsections:

  1. Selecting text: You can select text by dragging over the text to select it, as well as clicking actions. The actions you perform depend on what you want to do.
  2. Deleting Text: Text can by deleted by using either the “Delete” or “Backspace” keys. Delete removes single characters to the right of the cursor, while   backspace removes single characters to the left.
  3. Inserting Text: place the mouse pointer where you want to being inserting text. Click the Mouse button to move the insertion point to the desired locations.
  4. Replacing Text: To Replace text:
  • Select the text to be removed
  • Start typing the new text
  • The selected text will be removed and the new text accommodated


Cut (ctrl+x), Copy (ctrl+c)  & Paste (ctrl+v)

If a portion of the text is to be moved to a different place, select the text to be moved and then use the cut option in the edit menu. The selected text will be copied to the clipboard in windows. Now the Paste option is enabled in the Edit menu. To Paste the text that is in the Clipboard at some position in the document, place the cursor at the starting point of the insertion and choose Edit-> Paste. The Text will be pasted there.

Typing Special Characters (Symbols)

MS- Word supports a set of special characters and symbols, which cannot be entered through the keyboard. To insert these specials characters choose Insert-> Symbol. The dialog box of all available symbols is displayed for respective fonts.

Some Common Features ( Upper Case & Lower Case)

The “Change Case” command in the “ Format” menu allow you to change the case of the characters in text without having to retype them.

Justifying text

 Justification determine the way text is aligned with respect to the margins. The default for word is left justification, which aligns text to the left margin. You can change the justification of text by using the justification buttons on the toolbar from left to right they are:

  1. Left- Justifies text on the left margin;
  2. Center- Centers all lines of text;
  3. Right – Justifies text on the right margin;
  4. Justify- Justifies text on both left and right margins;


Finding and Replacing ( Ctrl + F)

Ms- Word provides some excellent features as Find and Replace, which may be used for a number of tasks, with high flexibility, using these features it is possible to find a specific text in a document, search for a particular pattern of text etc.

Spelling Checker

Spell checker is one of the powerful features of MS- Word. It also provides to check the spellings of the entire document including the header, footer and hidden text. Adding words to the dictionary is possible.

To retain the word, choose Ignore and to ignore the change at all its occurrences in the document choose Ignore All.

To change the word, choose Change and to change the word at all its occurrences in the document choose Change All.

Checking Grammar

During a grammar check, Word identifies sentences that conatin possible grammatical or stylish errors and suggests improvements. For example, if you wrote “The Project were completed by your team”. Word could question the grammar, first for subject- verb agreement and then for passive voice. Word also question style errors, such  as wordiness and the use of clichés.