Recent News Abbreviation

ACD – Accredited Clients Program
ACTPN – advisory committee for trade policy and negotiations
AEO – Authorised Economic Operator
AFI – Athletics federation of India
AFSPA – Armed forces special powers act
AFSPA – Armed force special Power act
AIIB – Asia infrastructure investment Bank
AIM – Atal innovation mission
AOP – Air operator Permit
BDL – Bharat Dynamic Limited
BIFR – Bureau for industrial and financial reconstruction
BRC – Bank Realization Certificate
CAGR – compound annual growth rate
CARE – crew model atmospheric re-entry experiment
CCEA – cabinet committee on economic affairs
CCEA – cabinet committee on Economic Affairs
CCI – competitive commission of India
CCP – Custom Clearance Permit
CCTNS – Crime and criminal tracking network system
CEIB – Central economic Intelligence Bureau
CPCB – Central pollution Promotion Board
CPGRAMS – centralized public grievance and monitoring system
CRZ – Coastal regulatory zone
CSS – central sponsor schemes
DAC– Defence acquisition council
DAVP – directorate of audio visual publicity
DBT – Direct benefit transfer
DBTL – direct benefit transfer of LPG
DCCO – data of commencement of commercial operations
DGFT – Director General of Foreign Trade
DIAL – delhi international airport limited
DIPP – department of industrial policy & promotion
ECB – External commercial borrowings
ECIL – Electronic Corporation of India Limited
Eco Soc – Economic Social Council
EPIC – electro photo identity card
ETF – Exchange Traded Fund
EZs – Exclusion Zones
FFFAI – federation of freight forward association of India

FIBA – federation of international basket ball association
FIEO -federation of Indian exports Organisation
FIPB – Foreign investment promotion board
FIPB – Foreign Investment Promotion Board
FIU – Financial intelligence units
FMC – Forward Market Commission
FPIs – Foreign Portfolio Investors.
FPIs – Foreign portfolio investors
FRBM – Fiscal responsibility and budget management
FRP – Fair Price Remunerative
FTAAP – Free trade area for Asia-pacific
GAAR – General anti avoidance rule
GCTOC – Gujarat Control Of Terrorism and organised crime
GIFT – Gujarat international Finance tech-city
GIIC – Guizhou maritime silkroad international investment corporation
GMS – Gold monetized scheme
IAMAI – Internet and mobile assocaition of india
ICBM – Intercontinental ballistic missile
IEDs – improvised Explosive Devices
IFSC – international finance Service Centre
IGMDP – integrated Guided Missile Development Programme
IMEI – international mobile equipment identity
INDCs – Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
INSTC – International north south transport corridor
InvITs – Infrastructure Investment Trusts.
IPCC – International panel for climate changes
IREDA – Indian renewable energy development agency
IRNSS – Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
ISSF – international shooting sport federation
ITR – Income Tax Returns.
JAM – jandhan yojana aadhaar mobile number
LARR – land acquisition rehabilitation and resettlement
LCA – light combat aircraft
LEA – loss of ecology authority
MAI – Market Access Initiative
MAT – Minimum Alternate Tax
MEIS – Merchandise exports from India scheme
MEIS – Merchandise Export from India Scheme
MIAL – Mumbai international airport limited
MPC – Monetary policy committee
MSP – Minimum support price
MUDRA – multi units development and refinance agency
NERPAP– National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme
NALSA – National Legal Services Authority
NASSCOM – National Association Of Software and Services Companies
NASSCOM – National Association of Software & Services companies
NBT – National Book Trust
NDB – new development bank
NDLM – National digital literacy mission
NDRF – National disaster response fund
NFC – near field communication
NFE – Net Foreign Exchange
NFTP – New Foreign trade policy
NGT– national green tribunal
NIIF – national investment infrastructure fund
NIIF – National Investment and Infrastructure fund
NJAC – national judicial appointment commission
NMDA – national disaster management act
NOFNP – National optic fiber network programme
NPCI – National payment commission of India
NRI – Nonresident Indian
NSFR – Net stable funding ration
NTCA – National tiger conservation authority
OCI – Overseas citizens of India
OMCs – Oil marketing companies
OPCW – Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
OROP – One Rank One Pension
PAT – Profit After Tax
PCI – Paraolympic committee of India
PDMA – public debt management act
PHWRs – Pressurised heavy water reactors
PIO – person of Indian origin
PIT – Prohibition of insider trading
PMG – project monitoring group
POTA – prevention of terrorism Act
PSKs – Pass port seva Kendra
PSLCs – Priority sector lending certificates
QIP – Qualified intuitional placement
REITs – Real Estate Investment Trusts
RFA – Red Flag Account
RNI – Registate of newspapers of India
RPA – Rupee payment Area
RRAI – railway regulatory authority of India
SaaS – Software as a Service
SAC – Space Application Centre
SAI – sports authority of India
SAT– Securities Appellate Tribunal
SDRF – state disaster response fund
SEIS – Services exports from India scheme
SEIS – Service export from India Scheme
SETU – self employment and talent utilization
SLACC – sustainable livelihoods and adaption to climate change
SPV – special purpose vehicles
STC – State Trading corporation
STPs – sewage treatment plants
SWFs – Sovereign Wealth Funds
TADA – Terrorist and disruptive activities act
TFA – Trade Facilitation Agreement
TPO – Trade Promotion Organization
TRAI – telecom regulatory authority of india
TRANSLOC – Transport logistic corporation of India
TReDS – Trade Receivables Discounting System
UAC – Unit Approval Committee
UCC– Union carbide corporation
ULFA – United liberation front of ASOM
UPSI – Unpublished price sensitive information
VSAT – very small aperture terminal
WCO – World Custom Organization
WGEEP – Western Ghats ecology expert