SSC CGL Online Mock Test-1

SSC CGL Online Mock Test-1 is live from tomorrow (Sunday) for two attempt every student. students can get every updates like latest pattern, time accuracy, grade, complete test explanation with detailed etc. we provides twenty mock yest only 100/- for one year and all online test is pre-scheduled for one year.

Online Test Series SSC CGL | CHSL | MTS | Steno. Exams

NTPC Mock Test 20 Course

  • NTPC Mock Test Course
  • 20 RRB NTPC Mock test book
  • 100 question each mock test
  • bilingual question Hindi/English
  • Subject: Maths, GK/S, Reasoning
  • Mock test with detail Solution- Answer Key
NTPC Mock test mumbai || Practice Mock test for Railway Exams || Offline Practice for railway exams || NTPC Mock test discussion

for Mock test time, test paper discussion, Mock test Price call: 8080160826(IPCI Mumbai)

SSC CGL Mock Test -62

Crack SSC in First Attempt Join Prudence Coaching Centre Mumbai. No.1 Coaching Centre for SSC CGL in Mumbai, Maximum Selection Rate by us and Our Institute. New Batch Start Every month. Prudence Provides 7 free Demo Class for Arithmetic, Advance, General Knowledge, Reasoning & English Language & Grammar. For more details call: 8779774040 | 8080160826.

SSC CGL Off line mock test download the below link:

SSC CGL Mock Test- 60

Hello dear prudence coaching institute will provides SSC CGL Mock Test -60 for prelims examination and test contains four section Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, General Knowledge and English Language. each section having 25 question and carry 2 mark and negative .5 marks. our test also available on mock

Top Most Institute in Mumbai for SSC CGL Railway Banking And State Govt Exam

SSC CGL Mock Test-58

SSC CGL Mock Test-58 is offline mock for all subjects and this booklet contains 100 Questions in all the comprising the following Parts:

Part – I : General Intelligence & Reasoning [25 Questions]

Part – II : General Awareness [25 Questions]

Part – III : Quantitative Aptitude [25 Questions]

Part – IV : English Language [25 Questions]

Each question carry 2 marks and Negative Marks .5,

RRB NTPC Mock Test – 14

1. This Booklet contains 100 questions in all comprising the following four parts: Part – I : General Awareness [40 Questions] Part – II : General Intelligence & Reasoning [30 Questions] Part – III : Quantitative Aptitude [30 Questions]

2.All questions are compulsory and carry two mark each.

3. Before you start to answer the questions you must check this Booklet and ensure that it contains all the pages (1-11) and see that no page is missing or repeated. If you find any defect in this Booklet, you must get it replaced immediately.

4. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted from total marks you get.

5. You will be provided the Answer-Sheet separately by the Invigilator. You must complete the details of Ticket Number,Roll Number and Test Form Number on Side-I of the Answer-Sheet carefully before you actually start answering the questions. You must also put your signature on the Answer-Sheet at the prescribed place. These instructions must be fully complied with, failing which your AnswerSheet will not be evaluated and you will be awarded ‘Zero’ mark.

6.Questions of English Medium will be considered for evaluation in case if differs in Hindi Medium.

7. Answers must be shown by completely blackening the corresponding rectangles on Side-II of the Answer-Sheet against the relevant question number by black/blue ball pen only. Answers which are not shown by black/blue ball pen will not be awarded any mark.

8. The Answer-Sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator before you leave the Examination Hall.

9. Failure to comply with any of the above instructions will render a candidate liable to such action/Penalty as way be deemed fit.

10. The manner in which the different questions are to be answered has been explained in the OMR sheet from which you should read carefully before answering the questions.

11. Answer the questions as quickly and as carefully as you can. Some questions may be difficult and others easy. Do not spend too much time on any question.

12. No Rough Work is to be done on the Answer-Sheet. Space for rough work has been provided at the back of the booklet.

SSC CGL Tier-II Mock Test-03

SSC CGL Tier 2 Mock Test Series provides by Prudence Coaching Centre Under Guidance Rakesh Yadav Sir.

There are a lot of advantages by attempting the SSC CGL Online Test Series.

  • Be thorough with the SSC CGL Exam Pattern.
  • Know the difficulty level of the exam by attempting the SSC CGL Tier 2 Free Mock Test
  • Develop smart test-taking strategy so that it will help them to finish the whole exam on time with maximum accuracy and minimum negative marking
  • Get the real SSC CGL Exam environment with these online tests/Offline test Series.
  • Improve various methods on how to select questions and time management skills

Features of Our SSC CGL Tier 2 Online Test

There are various features present in our mock tests series that are listed below

  • SSC CGL Tier 2 Practice Papers or Online Mock Tests are updated as per the latest SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern and Syllabus.
  • Covers all the topics from each section of SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam
  • SSC CGL Tier 2 Mock Test Online Free series are designed by guidance of Rakesh yadav sir.
  • Can take up the SSC CGL Tier 2 free mock test series any time on our website
  • our online platform View the detailed performance report after completing the test but some sample link of question available kindly download and attend test.
  • Offline SSC CGL Tier 2 Mock Test Papers with Answers include Step by Step solutions provided for each question
  • Includes full-length mock test and sectional SSC CGL Tier 2 test series

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