As a recent update by SSC, the closing date of submission of online application for SSC CHSL is extended till 26.12.2020. This is done in view of the difficulties faced by aspiring candidates due to heavy load on servers. The important dates are as follows:
- Last date and time for receipt of online application: 26-12-2020 (23:30)
- Last date and time for making online fee payment: 28-12-2020 (23:30)
- Last date and time for generation of offline Challan: 30-12-2020 (23:30)
- Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 01-01-2020
- Candidates can now again access the SSC CHSL Apply Online Link on (SSC Official website). Every year SSC notifies about the recruitment for the posts of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Data Entry Operator (DEO), Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants (PA / SA) in various Central Government Departments and Ministries.
official notification: click here