LIC Apprentice Development Officers (ADO’s) Exam Previous Question Paper (Reasoning)

Q.1 How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TRANSFER each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three

Q.2 D is sister of F. M is brother of F. K is brother of D and son of T. R is wife of T. How is F related to T?
1) Son
2) Daughter
3) Son or daughter
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

Q.3 The positions of how many digits in the number 8359614 will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three

Q.4 In a certain code ‘STAGE’ is written as ‘4@59’ and ‘EARN’ is written as 987′. How is ‘NEST’ written in that code?
1) 497@
2) 794@
3) @79
4) 79@
5) None of these

Q.5 In a certain code TRILOGY is written as HQSMXFN. How is CREDITS written in that code?
5) None of these

Direction (6 – 10) : Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:
H 3 $ E K 5 @ M % I 8 2 T A F 6 W I  N V ★ P 4 Q δ R D Z

Q.6 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) FAW
2) N★
3) 4Pδ
4) MI
5) SEH

Q.7 How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a letter?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three

Q.8 Which of the following is the fifth to the left of the sixteenth from the left end of the above arrangement?
1) 2
2) 
3) 8
4) 6
5) None of these

Q.9 If all the symbols and numbers are dropped from the above arrangement which of the following will be the fourteenth from the right end?

1) T
2) K
3) N
4) P
5) None of these

Q.10 How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a letter but not immediately followed by a letter?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) More than three

Directions (11 – 15): In these questions, certain symbols have been used to indicate relationships between elements as follows:
‘P  Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
‘P $ Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
‘P @ Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q.
‘P % Q means P is not greater than Q.
‘P ★ Q’ means ‘P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q.

In each question, four statements showing relationships have been given, which are followed by three conclusions I, II and III. Assuming that the given statements are true, find out which conclusion(s) is /are definitely true?

Q.11 Statement:
R % T, T  K, K $ M, M @ V
I. M  T
II. R  K
III. K $ V
1) None is true
2) Only I and II are true
3) Only II and III are true
4) Only I and III are true
5) All I, II and III are true

Q.12 Statements:
W $ N N  R, R @ K, K % F
I. F ★ R
II. R $ W
III. N  K
1) None is true
2) Only I is true
3) Only II is true
4) Only III is true
5) Only II and III are true

Q.13 Statements:
F @ M, M % W, W $ R, R  V
I. V $ M
II. F $ W
III. R  F
1) None is true
2) Only I is true
3) Only II is true
4) Only III is true
5) Only I and III are true

Q.14 Statements:
B $ D, D @ M, M % K, K  R
I. R $ M
III. B $ M
1) Only I and II are true
2) Only I and III are true
3) Only II and III are true
4) All I, II and III are true
5) None of these

Q.15 Statements:
N@W, W★K, KV, V$F
I. K★N
1) Only I is true
2) Only II is true
3) Only III is true
4) Only either I or II is true
5) None of these

Directions (16-20) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
P,Q,R,S,T,V,W and Z are sitting around a circle facing the centre. S is second to the right of V who is third to the right of T.Q. is second to the left of T and fourth to the right of Z, W is third to the right of P who is not an immediate neighbour of T.

Q.16 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions is the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) ZRV
2) SPQ
3) VZP
4) TWR
5) QWT

Q.17 Who is to the immediate left of W?
1) Q
2) T
3) S
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

Q.18 Who is second to the left of R?
1) T
2) Q
3) W
4) Data Inadequate
5) None of these

Q.19 Who is fourth to the left of P?
1) R
2) Z
3) W
4) T
5) Data inadequate

Q.20 In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate right. of the second person?
1) SQ
2) TW
3) ZV
4) PS
5) QW

Directions (21-25): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Following are the conditions for selecting Manager- Accounts in an organisation.

The Candidate must:
i. be at least 28 years and not more than 33 years as on 01.06.2010.
ii. be agraduate with at least 55 percent marks. iii. be a post graduate dergee/ diploma holder in financial management with atleast 60 percent marks.
iv. have post qualification work experience of atleast seven years in the Finance department of an organisation.
v. have secured 40 percent marks in the personal interview.

In the case of a candidates who satisfies all the conditions

A) at (iii) above but has completed CA/ICWA/CFA after his/ her graduation, the case is to be referred to executive Director- Finance.
B) at (v) above but has secured atleast 35 percent marks in the personal interview and at least 65 percent marks in graduation. The case is to be referred to General Manager – Finance. In each question below are given details of one candidate.
You have to take one of the following courses of action based on the information provided and the conditions and sub- conditions given above and mark the number of that course of action your answer. You are not to assume anything other that the information provided in each question.

Mark Answer
(1) if the case is to be referred to Executive Director – Finance. Mark answer
(2) if the case is to be referred to General Manager- Finance. Mark answer
(3) if the candidate is to be selected. Mark answer
(4) if the candidate is not to be selected. Mark answer
(5) if the data provided are not adequate to take a decision

Q.21 Subodh Saha has been working in the finance department of an organisation for the past seven years after completing his post Graduate degree in Financial Management with 60 percent marks. He has secured 53 percent marks in the personal interview. He was born on 8th may 1984.
Q.22 Abhiram Gupta was born on 8th July 1980. He has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past nine years after completing his post graduation degree in Financial Management with 68 percent marks. He has secured 37 percent marks in personal interview and 70 percent marks in graduation.
Q.23 Suchitra Kulkarni has been working in the finance department of an organisation for the past eight years. She was born on 12th April 1979. She has secured 65 percent marks in both graduation and post graduate diploma in financial management. She has also secured 50 percent marks personal interview.
Q.24 Atul Sangma was born on 24th March 1980. He has secured 45 percent marks in the personal interview and 60 percent marks in graduation. He has been working organisation for th past seven yeas after completing his post graduate degree in Financial Management with 65 percent marks.
Q.25 Neha Juneja was born on 4th September 1981. She has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past eight years after completing her ICWA after obtaining 58 percent marks in graduation. she has secured 48 percent marks in the personal Interview.

Answer Key

1-4; 2-3; 3-1; 4-2; 5-1; 6-5; 7-4; 8-3; 9-2; 10-5; 11-3; 12-1; 13-1; 14-2; 15-4; 16-5; 17-1; 18-3; 19-4; 20-2; 21-4; 22-2; 23-3; 24-3; 25-1;

LIC Apprentice Development Officers (ADO’s) Exam Previous Question Paper (English Language)

Directions (Q. 1-10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. Politicians and generals talk of military strategies and maneuvers but something completely different is needed. Stability will come only when economic opportunities exist, when youth can find jobs and support families rather than seeking their livelihood in violence. Peace can only be achieved with a withdrawal of foreign troops, sanctions and peace-keepers and the arrival of jobs, productive farms and factories, healthcare and schools. Repeatedly the fragile peace in impoverished countries has broken down because of the lack of economic follow-up. Despite promises of aid, the actual record of international aid to post war reconstruction is deficient.

Once the war ends agencies involved in post war relief efforts fail to understand how to start or restart economic development in a low income setting. They squander time, surplus aid funds and opportunities because they are not familiar with local conditions and do not under-stand their point of view. There are distinct phases of outside help to end a conflict. In the first phase focus is on providing food, water, shelter and medicine to refugees i.e., humanitarians. In the second, emphasis is on the refugees returning home while in the last phase long term investments and strengthening of courts is the main focus. However once a conflict is over aid agencies sanctioned by the World Bank send study groups instead of requisite personnel. There is a gap of several years before moving from humanitarian relief to economic development. By the time such help arrives the war has restarted. It is possible to restart economic develop-ment through targeted quick impact initiatives. Most economies in post conflict countries are based on agriculture. Providing free packages of seeds, fertilizers and low cost equipment quickly will ensure that former soldiers will return to their farms and establish their livelihood. But the window of opportunity closes quickly and one has to implement these measures almost immediately.

Q.1 Which of the following is a reason, post conflict reconstruction efforts have failed ?
(A) Aid organizations do not understand issues from the perspective of the poor
(B) Rapid economic development in low income countries
(C)World Bank studies are not valid
(D) International aid organizations become too involved in reconstruction efforts
(E) None of these

Q.2 Where does the problem lie in implementing post war relief measures ?
(A) Aid agencies fail to study the situation
(B) Economic development measures are too rapid
(C) Focus on economic development not humanitarian aid
(D) Lack of funds to implement programmes
(E) Lack of essential and qualified personnel

Q.3 According to the author how can political stability be achieved ?
(A) Increasing the number of foreign troops in areas of conflict
(B) Depending more on foreign aid
(C) Following recommendations given by the World Bank
(D) Providing economic opportunities
(E) None of these

Q.4 Which of the following is not true in the context of the pas-sage ?
(A) Focus in the first phase of a war is on providing humanitarian aid
(B) Sanctions are not a means to ensure peace
(C) Adequate time must be taken to plan and implement quick impact strategies
(D) Providing employment to the younger generation will prevent wars
(E) Focus on delivering justice through courts should be in the last phase of conflict aid

Q.5 How can economic development be restarted in an impoverished country ?
(A) Long term studies should be commissioned
(B) Retaining soldiers in the army to ensure law and order
(C) Restrict number of aid agencies to avoid waste
(D) Focusing on agricultural initiatives
(E) Deploying peace keepers in the country

Q.6 What is the benefit of quick impact aid ?
(A) Soldiers earn income from the army and their farms
(B) Providing alternate livelihood to soldiers before war can restart
(C) Free land is given to soldiers
(D) Price of equipment is low
(E) None of these

Directions (Q. 7 and 8) Choose the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
Q.7 exist
(A) live
(B) fit
(C) create
(D) occur
(E) survive

Q.8 squander
(A) lavish
(B) spend
(C) displace
(D) lose
(E) misuse

Directions (Q.9 and 10) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
Q.9 fragile
(A) weak
(B) lasting
(C) long
(D) strong
(E) unstable

Q.10 deficient
(A) surplus
(B) valued
(C) short
(D) secure
(E) repaired

Directions (Q. 11-15) Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below it.
A. Strict obedience to these rules is called discipline.
B. In the same way, a societywhere rules are not followed cannot survive for long.
C. Only then a society can be run in an orderly fashion.
D. A society can exist properly onlywhen men living in it agree upon certain rules of conduct.
E. For example, if the people on the road do not obey traffic rules there will be complete disorder and con-fusion.
F. Students must obey their teachers, children their parents, citizens the laws and so on and so forth.

Q.11 Which of the following is the fifth sentence ?
(A) A
(B) B
(D) E
(E) F

Q .12 Which of the following is the sixth (Last) sentence ?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

Q.13 Which of the following is the second sentence ?
(A) A
(B) B
(D) D
(E) E

Q.14 Which of the following is the first sentence ?
(A) A
(B) B
(D) D
(E) E

Q.15 Which of the following is the third sentence ?
(A) A
(B) B
(D) E
(E) F

Directions (Q. 16-20) Pick out the most effective word from among the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q.16 She did not like to her decision like a dictator on her subordinates.
(A) divulge
(B) prompt
(C) enforce
(D) deploy
(E) make

Q.17 People unfortunately that money brings happiness.
(A) assume
(B) deny
(C) object
(D) rely
(E) conscious

Q.18 The public have a protest against the new rules of the budget.
(A) organize
(B) demonstrated
(C) compiled
(D) pursued
(E) launched

Q.19 Sarojini Naidu will always be remembered for her to the national cause.
(A) blessing
(B) involvement
(C) pursuit
(D) dedication
(E) command

Q.20 Poverty has to be and the basic necessities of life should be made available to everyone.
(A) destroyed
(B) eliminated
(C) finished
(D) magnified
(E) considered

Directions (Q. 21-25) In each of these questions, two of the words are related in some way i.e., they are similar or opposites. Pick out the option which represents that pair.
1. moderate
2. easy
3. significant
4. strenuous
(A) 2 -4
(B) 1 -2
(C) 1 -3
(D) 2 -3
(E) 3 -4
1. focus
2. trivial
3. vital
4. site
(A) 1 -2
(B) 2 -4
(C) 1 -3
(D) 3 -4
(E) 2 -3
1. defer
2. dispute
3. prefer
4. challenge
(A) 2 -3
(B) 1 -3
(C) 2 -1
(D) 2 -4
(E) 3 -4
1. consequence
2. potential
3. influence
4. ability
(A) 4 -3
(B) 2 -4
(C) 2 -3
(D) 1 -3
(E) 4 -1
1. rebuke
2. oppose
3. praise
4. distrust
(A) 1 -2
(B) 2 -3
(C) 1 -3
(D) 3 -4
(E) 2 -4

Directions (Q. 26 -35) In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fills the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. Deli king of jobs from degrees is one of the (26) features of our education (27). There has been a (28) fall in (29) in the academic field in recent years. There is a (30)of degree holders in the country, as a result, university degrees have (31) their value and charm while the number of students in colleges and universities of the country has been (32) rising. Consequently thousands of graduates and post graduates come out of these institutions and stand in queues waiting to get some (33) jobs (34) in the country. Moreover, these degree holders do not have any technical or vocational knowledge needed for a particular job. As a result, the number of educated unemployed has been rising (35) . It has created a very serious problem.
Q.26 (A) minor
(B) trivial
(C) unachievable
(D) irrelevant
(E) salient
Q.27 (A) process
(B) policy
(C) development
(D) guideline
(E) procedures
Q.28 (A) expected
(B) sheer
(C) rough
(D) steep
(E) gentle
Q.29 (A) assessment
(B) evaluation
(C) competence
(D) fees
(E) value
Q.30 (A) flood
(B) class
(C) party
(D) mob
(E) rabble
Q.31 (A) mislaid
(C) increase
(D) found
(E) establish
Q.32 (A) slowly
(B) hastily
(C) deeply
(D) waiting
(E) out
Q.33 (A) suitable
(B) remain
(C) study
(D) live
(E) place
Q.34 (A) frequency
(B) occurrence
(C) event
(D) chance
(E) blocking
Q.35 (A) fever
(B) outshine
(C) lean
(D) dwarfed
(E) horribly

Logical Reasoning Click Here 

Answers Key:
1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (E) 5. (D) 6. (E) 07. (D) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (A) 11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (A) 14. (E) 15. (E) 16. (C) 17. (A) 18. (E) 19. (D) 20. (B) 21. (A) 22. (E) 23. (B) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (E) 27. (B) 28. (D) 29. (C) 30. (A) 31. (B) 32. (B) 33. (A) 34. (D) 35. (E)