NDA Exam Pattern and Syllabus:
As we all know that every year thousands of student appear for NDA written examination and due to its difficulty level only few candidates are able to crack it. The right preparation strategy to clear NDA Exam begins sudden after +2 Board Examinations.
This type of examination requires a good level of intelligence with great practice & lots of motivational sessions. In our Institute we give complete training and best support to the candidates to get success in NDA exams. Indian Armed Forces is the best respectful and influential opportunities for the students. Delhi Career Group is one of the Best Coaching Institutes for NDA IPCI.
It consists of two papers which are given in table as below:
- First paper is Mathematics which is of 300 Marks. The duration for this paper is 2:30 hours
- Second paper is of General Ability of 600 marks. The duration of this Exam also is 2:30 hours
Thus Toal Marks are 900 with total duration of 5 Hours Mathematics includes following topics for Nda Exam : - Algebra
- Probability
- Analytical Geometry
- Integral Calculus
- Trigonometry
- Matrices & Determinants
- Differential Calculus & etc.
General Ability includes following topics for Nda Exam: - English
- General Knowledge
English includes following topics for Nda Exam: - Grammar and usage
- Comprehension
- Vocabulary
- General Knowledge:
- Physics
- General Science
- Geography
- Chemistry
- Social Studies & Current Events.