Indian Bank Recruitment 2024: Application for 300 Local Bank Officer Posts
INDIAN BANK, a leading Public Sector Bank, with headquarters in Chennai invites Applications for Local Bank Officers. The selected candidates shall be posted in the applied state only.
The above vacancies are provisional and may vary depending on the Banks actual requirement.
- The candidates will have to apply for vacancy of one state only. A candidate applying against vacancy of one state will not be eligible to apply against vacancy of any other state. Merit list will be drawn state wise and category wise.
- Selected candidates will be posted in the state against whose vacancy they are selected.
- Selected candidates will be posted within the State selected for the first 12 years of their service or upto their promotion to SMGS-IV Grade, whichever is earlier.
- Candidates should be proficient (reading, writing & Speaking) in the desired local language of the state (as per table above). Shortlisted candidates will have to appear in the local language proficiency test as a part of selection process before interview process. Candidates who fails to qualify this test will not be offered appointment.
- One advance increment in pay will be given for each prior completed year of service as Officer in Scheduled Commercial Banks subject to a maximum of 02 (two) increments where the existing job profile of the candidates specifically matches with the job profile of a Scale –I Generalist officer of Indian Bank. Candidates shall have to submit job profile certified by their existing / previous employer(s) with whom they are / were employed. In case their job profile does not match substantially or is different than the job profile of a Scale –I Generalist officer of Indian Bank, then no increment shall be payable. Decision of the Bank in this regard would be final and binding on all candidates. No representation or correspondence will be entertained by the Bank in this regard.
- Candidates working with subsidiaries of Scheduled Commercial Bank will not be eligible to for one increment.
- Prior experience will not be considered for any service seniority.