The online examination (Preliminary and Main) for the next Common Recruitment Process for selection of personnel for Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts in the Participating Organisations is tentatively scheduled in October / November 2020

This system of Common Recruitment Process- Online Preliminary & Online Main Examination, Common Interview and provisional allotment for recruitment of Probationary Officer/ Management Trainee posts in Participating Organisations has the approval of the appropriate authorities. IBPS, an autonomous body, has received a mandate from the organisations mentioned at (A) below, to conduct the recruitment process as mentioned above, once a year. IBPS will make arrangements for conducting online Preliminary examination, declare result of online Preliminary examination, inform the shortlisted candidates about the online Main examination, declare the results of the Online Main examination and inform the shortlisted candidates about the interview. Interviews will be conducted by the participating organisations and coordinated by the Nodal Bank in each state/ UT. Prospective candidates will have to apply to IBPS after carefully reading the advertisement regarding the process of examinations, interview and provisional allotment, eligibility criteria, online registration processes, payment of prescribed application fee/ intimation charges, pattern of examination, issuance of call letters etc. and ensure that they fulfil the stipulated criteria and follow the prescribed processes.
for complete information like Age, Education Qualification, Other Eligibility click here
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