SSC GD Recruitment Notification 2022 For Posts 24369 Out

Constable (GD) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), SSF, Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles and Sepoy in Narcotics Control Bureau Examination, 2022

Dates for submission of online applications27-10-2022 to 30-11-2022
Last date and time for receipt of online applications30-11-2022 (23:00)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan30-11-2022(23:00)
Last date and time for making online fee payment01-12-2022(23:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during Working hours of Bank)01-12-2022
Schedule of Computer Based ExaminationJanuary, 2023
SSC GD Recruitment Notification- 2022

Nationality/ Citizenship:

Candidate must be a citizen of India. Vacancies in CAPFs & AR are state/UT/area wise hence a candidate must submit domicile/ PRC against his state/ UT.

Age Limit:

18-23 years as on 01-01-2023. Candidates should not have been born earlier than 02-01-2000 and later than 01-01-2005 in normal course. However, after relaxation of three (03) years in upper age, the candidate should not have been born earlier than 02-01-1997.

Educational Qualifications (As on 01-01-2023):

The candidates must have passed Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized Board/ University.
Candidates who have not acquired the essential educational qualification as on the stipulated date will not be eligible and need not apply.

Application Fee:

Fee payable: Rs 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only). Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee.

Scheme of Examination: Computer Based Examination:

The Computer based examination will consist of one objective type paper containing 80 questions carrying 2 marks each, with the following composition:

PartSubjectNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration/ Time Allowed
Part-AGeneral Intelligence and Reasoning2040      60 minutes
Part-BGeneral Knowledge and General Awareness2040
Part -CElementary Mathematics2040
Part-DEnglish/ Hindi2040
New Batch For SSC GD Exams | Live Classes in dadar Mumbai

Upcoming Batch for all Competitive Exams from 2 November.


The government exams include the major Banking exams, Railway exams, Insurance exams, SSC exams, Defense exams, and other important government exams. Start your preparation from the very beginning of the year so that you can get through the most favored examination of your choice.

Go through this upcoming government exam calendar and get to know about all the Government jobs in 2022-23. Check the month-wise upcoming competitive exam dates here and start your preparation for the government jobs in 2022-23.

Now that you have gone through the full government exam calendar 2022-23, get to know the details about the major government exam recruitments. Every exam has its own syllabus and pattern.


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Upcoming batch for Stenographer 2 Noverber

Stenography Course for English Language | Shorthand classes in dadar

Stenography is that the mixture of two different classes i.e. Typewriting and Shorthand. Stenography Course comprises skills in Shorthand, Transcription and Typewriting. the essential work of Stenographer in government offices is to require dictations, record speeches and transcription.

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Upcoming Batch for all Competitive Exams SSC IBPS NTPC CDS for Preliminary and Mains Computer Based Online Exams


Jobs Notification:

Online Mock Test: Download App

Indian Public Career Institute For Enquiry Call: 8080160826

Offline Classes Dadar Centre Mumbai #SSCCCGL #IBPS #CDS #bankinginstitute #classes

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Important Notice-Combined Graduate Level Examination-2022 

The Commission has decided to extend the closing date of application of Combined Graduate Level Examination-2022 to 13.10.2022. Accordingly, other important dates have also been changed.
Following are the important dates:-
Last date and time for receipt of online applications 13-10-2022 (23:00)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan 13-10-2022 (23:00)
Last date and time for making online fee payment 14-10-2022 (23:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank) 15-10-2022
Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online payment. 19-10-2022 to 20-10-2022 (23:00)

  1. It is informed that relevant part in the notice of Examination where closing date was treated as crucial dates for ascertaining eligibility, will now be as per new closing date i.e. 13.10.2022.
  2. As per the instruction received from Department of Personnel & Training, the tentative vacancies for CGLE-2022 are likely to be increased substantially.

Top 50 Noun Common Error Questions with the best Explanation by RK Sir.

1. The cattle in the meadow (A)/ was terrified to hear (B)/ the roar of a lion which appeared to be wild with anger (C)./ No error (D)

2. There should be (A)/ no furnitures (B) / in my room. (C)/ No error (D)

3. That house (A)/ is built of (B)/ stones. (C)/ No error (D)

4. Santosh lives (A)/ by the principals (B)/ he professes. (C)/ No error (D)

5. The astronomer (A)/ who predicts the future (B) / has arrived (C)/ No error (D)

6. He told me that (A)/ it was (B)/ his friend’s Sankar’s house (C)/ (d) No error.

7. Linguistic (A)/ is (B) /the study (C)/of language. (D) No error (E).

8. Five thousand (A)/rupees is a (B/ large amount (C)/for everybody. (D/ No error (E).

9. Our housing society comprises (A)/ six block and thirty flats (B)/in an area of (C)/about thousand square meters. (D)/No error (E)

10. His losses at the races (A)/ made the young man (B)/ lose the peace of his mind. (C)/ No error.

11. Our system of assigning (A)/different jobs to different people (B)/should be based on their strengths and weakness (D)/ No error (E)

12. The book must be old (A)/ for it’s cover (B)/is torn. (C)/No error(D)

13. Gandhi ji lived a noble life of fasting (A)/and poverty (B)/in order to work for peaceful (C)/and independence. (D)/No error (E).

14. I went to the temple (A)/with my parents(B)/my aunts (C)/and my cousin sisters. (D)/No error (E).

15. You will find (A)/ a lamp-post (B)/ at the front side (C)/ of the institute. (D)/ No error (E).

16. The poetries (A)/of R.N. Tagore (B)/ has been taught (C)/ in the class. (D)/ No error (E).

17. On a number of occasions (A)/we had noticed that (B)/ those employees (C)/were often in state of confused (D)/No error (E)

18. Hundreds of (A)/ passer-bys (B)/ stopped at (C)/ the place of accident. (D)/ No error (E)

19. Custom is (A)/ paid on goods (B)/ imported from (C)/ other countries. (D)/ No error (E).

20. My son is reading (A)/Dinkar’s and Nirala’s (B)/ poetries as a part (C)/of his syllabus. (D)/No error (E).

21. The name of (A)/Amitabh’s (B)/and Amitabh’s (C)/ father is Bachchan ji. (D)/No error. (B).

22. The widow (A)/who lives near his house (B)/is passing through (C)/ many crisis. (D)/No error (E).

23. His company is (A)/one of the few company (B)/ manufacturing this product (C)/in the whole country. (D)/No error (E).

24. One should use (A)/ spectacle to protect (B)/ the eyes from bright sunlight. (D)/ No error (E).

25. In spite of having received (A)/all the necessary data (B)/ he did not take any decision (C)/because of extraneous reasons. (D)/ No error (E)

26. I went to Delhi (A)/ and bought (B)/ much good (C)/ for my wife. (D)/No error (E).

27. In today meeting (A) we must first discuss (B)/and thrash out the problem (C)/one by one. (D)/No error (E).

28. No other (A)/typists in this (B)/office is as (C)/ slow as she. (D)/No error (E)

29. Her sister-in-laws (A)/are a cruel lot (B)/ and they harass her (C)/No error (D)

30. The sun whose (A)/ray give life to the (B)/ earth was venerated as (C)/God by our ancestors. (D)/ No error (E)

31. Aditi was unable (A)/to support her parent (B)/ even though both of them (C)/had no income of their own. (D)/ No error (E).

32. There is (A)/no place (B)/in this compartment. (C)/No error (D).

33. Most of that country (A)/hilly land is (B)/ unsuitable not only for building (C)/but also for agriculture. (D)/No error (E).

34. Raghu is going (A)/ to Stephen Hawking’s (B)/ the scientist’s (C)/ country. (D)/ No error (E).

35. The sheafs (A) / of the wheat plants were too heavy (B) / for the weak farmer (C) / to carry them on his head. (D) / No error (E)

36. It is truth (A)/that India is (B)/the largest consumer of (C)/gold in the world. No error (E).

37. Success in money-making (A)/ is not always (D)/ a good criteria (C)/ of real success in life. (D)/ No error (E).

38. The gentry (A)/of our colony (B)/ was invited (C)/ to attend the meeting. (D)/ No error (E).

39. Yogesh knew the (A)/value of obedient(B)/to well not to anticipate some (C)/censure of his act. (D)/ No error (E).

40. The meeting will not end (A)/till the chairman (B)/ gets approval from (C)/every members of the Board.(D)/No error (E).

41.The teacher and the guardian appreciate (A)/ Jaya walking early (B)/ in the morning with a view to (C)/ achieving normal health. (D)/ No error (E)

42. There was (A)/ no money in the bank (B)/in Dhananjay’s (C)/ and Mintunjay’s joint account. (D)/ No error (E).

43. Gulliver’s Travels (A)/is an (B)/ interesting book (C)/written by Jonathan Swift. (D)/No error

44. On my way (A)/to the railway station I met (B)/ one of your friend Ram. (D)/No error (E).

45. Rakhi met me (A)/on the way (B)/and asked a one (C)/hundred rupees note (D)/No error (E).

46. One of my most (A)/ widely spread (B)/ bad habit (C)/ is the use of tobacco. (D)/ No error (E)

47. All the children have (A)/assembled on the ground (B)/and are waiting for (C)/ the Principal coming (D)/No error

48. The vacancy was (A)/filled by Mr. Sharma (B)/ whom the manager said (C)/ought to be promoted. (D)/No error (E).

49. A postman (A)/ delivers our (B)/ letters from doors(D)/ to doors./No Error (E)

50. One must use (A)/his best efforts (B)/ if one (C)/wishes to succeed. (D)/No error (E)

Join Online Mock Test For Top Noun Based Common Error

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Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will conduct an open competitive examination for recruitment to the post of Scientific Assistant in India Meteorological Department (IMD), Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial post, in the Level 6 of the Pay Matrix as per the Recruitment Scheme formulated by the IMD and as per the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between IMD and SSC.

Dates for submission of online applications30-09-2022 to 18-10-2022
Last date and time for receipt of online applications18-10-2022 (23:00)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan19-10-2022 (23:00)
Last date and time for making online fee payment20-10-2022 (23:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank)20-10-2022
Date of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ including online payment.25-10-2022 ( upto 23:00)
Tentative Schedule of Computer Based Examination (CBE)December, 2022


Age limit (As on closing date 18-10-2022):

  • Age limit: Not exceeding 30 years as on 18-10-2022. Candidate must have been born not earlier than 19-10-1992 and not later than 17-10-2004.

Essential Educational Qualifications (As on 18-10-2022):

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Science (with Physics as one of the subject)/Computer Science/Information Technology/Computer Applications


Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from a recognized Institution/University or equivalent.

NOTE-I: The qualifying Degree or Diploma referred above should be in  First Class (60% marks) or 6.75 CGPA on a 10 point scale.

NOTE-II: The qualifying Degree or Diploma referred above must be of three

(3) years duration after (10+2) examination.

NOTE-III: The applicant must have passed 10+2 Examination from a Recognized Board or equivalent in Science with Physics and Mathematics as core subjects.

  • The candidates who have appeared in their final year of their graduation can also apply, however they must possess Essential qualification on or before the cut-off date i.e.18-10-2022.

Scheme of the Examination:

  • The Commission will conduct a Computer Based Examination comprising 200 questions carrying 200 marks for two hours duration.
    • The question paper would have two parts, Part-I and Part-II as detailed below:
PapersSubjectNo. of questionsDuration & Timings
Part-I Computer based ExaminationGeneral Intelligence & Reasoning   Quantitative Aptitude25   25 
 (iii) English language & Comprehension25 
 (iv)    General Awareness25120 Minutes (Total)
Part-II Computer based ExaminationPhysics / Computer Science & Information Technology / Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.100 
  • The examination will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions only. The questions will be set both in English & Hindi except for questions of English Language & Comprehensions.
  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in the examination. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep this in mind while answering the questions.
Call for upcomming New Batch For SSC Exams


Q1. The company’s decision to issue (a)/ bonus shares clearly indicates (b)/ the management’s confident (c)/ about the future (d)/ No error (e)

Q2. Inspite that organisations are aware (a)/ of the importance of IT (b)/ they often do not know (c)/ how to deploy it (d)/ No error (e)

Q3. The angry at being (a)/ left out of the bonanza (b)/ is palpable among (c)/ employees of the organization. (d)/ No error (e)

Q4. Festivals are prime occasions (a)/ for splurging on presents and owing to improved economic situation, (b)/ the youth is gung-ho (c)/ about breaking all previous records. (d)/ No error (e)

Q5. After a complain was filed, (a)/ the police teams was given the photograph (b)/ of the accused from the CCTV  footage (c)/ recorded at the hotel. (d)/ No error (e)

Q6. Watching the exponential (a)/ talent of world tennis (b)/ was the best things (c)/ to happen to him. (d)/ No error (e)

Q7. The couple’s work In (a)/ upgrading rural technicians (b)/ has set a benchmarking (c)/ for future generations. (d)/ No error (e)

Q8. The arguments assumes that (a)/ early detection of the disease (b)/ will lead to an immediate drop in (c)/ the mortality rating from this disease. (d)/ No error (e)

Q9. It is estimated that the government requires (a)/ two trillion rupees over the next few year (b)/ to fund the construction of 20,000 kilometres of road (c)/ under the national highways development project. (d)/ No error (e)

Q10. Sporting body such as FIFA (a)/ should be run transparently and rigorous standards (b)/ should be maintained to ensure that (c)/ sports are played in the right spirit. (d)/ No error (e)

Q11. Hectic schedules can (a)/ take a toll on anybody and (b)/ the solutions to this is (c) / a quick holiday to same exotic location. (d)/ No error (e)

Q12. A prisoner, in remanding, escaped (a) / from the clutches of two (b) / policemen while being taken to (c)/ the state’s central prison yesterday afternoon. (d)/ No error (e)

Q13. An incident when my youth taught (a)/me to stand up and (b)/ do what is right even if /(c) others do not agree with me. /(d) No error (e)

Q14. It is not the (a)/ faculty members (b)/ but the president (c)/ who decide this issue. (d)/ No error. (e)

Q15. The pledges that countries (a)/are making to battle climate change (b)/ will still result in the world (c)/ heating up by more than 6 degree Celsius. (d)/ No error (e)

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Institute for Competitive Exam SSC IBPS SBI CDS NDA (offline and online)


Q1.  My cousin brother is a cheater (a)/ and he (b)/ cheats his family members and friends too. (c)/ No error (E)

Q2.  We should not be(a)/ miserly in giving alm (b)/ to the beggars.(c)/ No error(d)

Q3. To provide more such facility (a)/ to its workers, the company (b)/ is planning to build(c)/ schools and parks in the township.(d)/ No error(e)

Q4. He left (b)/ his luggages (b)/ at the railway station (c)/ No Error

Q5. The police have arrested (a)/ the thieves but they failed(b)/ to get any information(c)/ about the valuable stolen.(d)/ No error(e)

Q6. He should understand (a)/ that Ethics make(b)/ the basis of life good.(c)/ No error(d)

Q7. Success in money-making (a)/ is not always (d)/ a good criteria (c)/ of real success in life. (d)/ no error (e)

Q8. The gentry (a)/of our colony (b)/ was invited (c)/ to attend the meeting. (d)/ no error (e).

Q9. The meeting will not end (a)/till the chairman (b)/ gets approval from (c)/every members of the board.(d)/no error (e)

Q10. William Shakespeare is (a)/ known for his dramas (b)/ more than his poetries.(c)/ No error(d)

Q11. One of my most (a)/ widely spread (b)/ bad habit (c)/ is the use of tobacco. (d)/ no error (e)

Q12. The judge issued (a)/ summon to the chairman (b)/ of the company because he(c)/ did not obey the honorable court.(d)/ No error(e)

Q13. The chairman and (a)/ all the members of (b)/ committee were present (c)/ in meeting of today.(d)/ No error(e)

Q14. I saw only (a)/ five police who(b)/ were running after(c)/ the bank-robbers.(d)/ No error(e)

Q15. He says that(a)/ a two-miles walk(b)/ always keeps him(c)/ healthy and fresh

Q16. There were no surprises (a)/ in the second bimonthly monetary policy (b)/ announcement by the (c)/ Reserve Bank of India. (d)/ No error. (e)Q17. When you see his(a)/ offsprings, you can’t(b)/ believe that he is(c)/ above seventy.(d)/ No error(e)

Q18. These type of books(a)/ are certainly helpful to the students(b)/ preparing for the Banking(c)/ Service Examinations.(d)/ No error(e)

Q19. Very few soldiers dared(a)/ to turn a deaf ear(b)/ their commander’s-in-chief order.(c)/ No error(d)

Q20. You should always be(a)/ true to your words if(b)/ you are to succeed in life.(c)/ No error(d)Q21. Without taking pain (a)/ one cannot progress in life(b)/ so we must keep this fact(c)/ in our mind.(d)/ No error(e)

Q22. Doctors did (a)/their best to save (b) the lifes of the (c)/accident victims. (d)/ No error (e)

Q23. Two and a half hour (a)/ have passed since (b)/ I returned from my village. (c)/ no error (d)

Q24. The rich is getting (a)/ richer and richer and (b)/ the poor are getting (c)/ poorer and poorer.(d)/ no error (e) Q25. I want you must (a)/ put your sign here (b)/ so that I may (c)/ accept your papers. (d)/ No error (e)

Q26. I am sure that (a)/ he cannot walk ever one(b)/ and a half kilometer.(c)/ No error(d)

Q27. If you have a way with words (a)/ (b) a good sense of design and administration ability / (c) you may enjoy working in high pressure world of advertising. /(d) No erroR

Q28. On Saturdays, (a)/ (b) students are suggested / (c) to wear white pants. / (d) No error

Q29. All his sister-in-laws (a)/ are extremely beautiful(b)/ to look at so the question(c)/ of selection is very puzzling.(d) No error(e)

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Q1. The people (a)/of the world (b)/must (c)/unite (d)/No error (e)

Q2. Monika met me (a)/on the way (b)/and asked a one (c)/hundred rupees note (d)/No error (e)

Q3. Hundreds of (a)/passer-bys (b)/stopped at (c)/the place of accident. (d)/No error (e)

Q4. My parents obtained (a)/many informations (b)/ about this child (c)/last night. (d)/No error (e)

Q5. One should use (a)/ spectacle to protect (b)/ the eyes from bright sunlight. (d)/ No error (e)

Q6. Rani together with her parents (a)/went to the market (b)/and brought (c)/a lot of handkerchieves. (d)/No error (e)

Q7. Thousand of people (a)/had already been killed (b)/in the accident (c)/near Railway crossing. (d)/No error (e)

Q8. We will find a lamp-post (a)/at the front (b)/ side of the (c)/institute. (d)/No error (e)

Q9. Sunrise (a)/is a (b)/great (c)/ phenomena. (d)/ No error (e) Q10. Arabian nights are (a)/collection of very (b)/ interesting episodes (c)/of Adventure (d)/No error (e)

Q11. Ten kilometers (a)/is a long distance (b)/but five years (c)/are not a long period. (d)/No error (e)

Q12. There was (a)/ no money in the bank (b)/in Dhananjay’s (c)/ and Mintunjay’s joint account.  (d)/ No error (e)

Q13. Sachin Tendulkar has (a)/scored more than (b)/ five thousands (c)/ runs. (d)/No error (e)

Q14. I went to the house (a)/and found that (b)/the cart’s wheel (c)/ was broken. (d)/No error (e)

Q15. The same board (a)/is used (b)/for chess (c) as well as for draughts. (d)/No error (e)

Q16. All the children have (a)/assembled on the (b)/and are waiting for (c)/the Principal to come. (d)/No error

Q18. I have been (a)/living in Hyderabad (b)/at my uncle (c)/since my birth. (d)/No error

Q17. His company is (a)/one of the few company(b)/ manufacturing this product (c)/in the whole country. (d)/No error (e) Q18. I have been (a)/living in Hyderabad (b)/at my uncle (c)/since my birth. (d)/No error

Q19. Gandhi ji lived a noble life of fasting (a)/and poverty (b)/in order to work for peaceful (c)/ and independence. (d)/No error (E)

Q20. A large number of (a)/ her classmate called for (b)/the hospital when (c)/ she was there. (d)/ No error (e)

Q21. A few word (a)/gratitude are enough (b)/to express your (c)/feelings sincerely. (d)/No error

Q22. No other (a)/typists in this (b)/office is as (c)/ slow as she. (d)/No error (e)

Q23. I have read (a)/Tagor’s poems (b)/who is a great poet. (c)/No error(d)

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