How To Download SSC CHSL Admit Card 2020?
The SSC CHSL Teir1, 2, 3 exam call letter is released through online mode. Thus, candidates need to know how to download the admit card. The steps to download the SSC CHSL 2020 Call Letter are as follows:
1st Step: Visit the Official Website –
2nd Step: Now click on the tab ‘Admit Card’ present on the top of the page.
3rd Step: A page will open with a list of 9 SSC Regional website. Click on the appropriate regional link from which you have submitted the application form.
4th Step: The respective regional official website will open. Now, click on the SSC CHSL Tier 1 Admit Card link present on the page. (Link to be activated once the admit card is released)
5th Step: Enter your Roll Number/ Registration ID, Name and Date of Birth. Click on the button ‘Submit’.
6th Step: The SSC CHSL Admit Card will be displayed. Check the details and download the admit card for future reference.
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