MS- Word Basics

A word processor is a software package, which helps enter and edit a document much faster than the usual manual ways. Most of the word processors today allow much more than allowing one to enter and edit a document. MS- Word Basic is also known as Word Processing.

The following is a list of some of the functions that are possible by using a Word Processor.

  • Creating the Documents ( typing in)
  • Saving the document
  • Opening an existing document
  • Moving or copying paragraphs from one place in the document to another
  • Finding the words and replacing them with another word
  • Searching for spelling errors
  • Printing the documents etc.

Starting Word

As in the case with other window applications, to invoke MS Word, you click on the icon Micro soft Word. In application or MS Office group the following icon will be displayed. To invoke MS Word, double click on this icon.

To start word and simultaneously open a word document, double click the filename of the document in the file Manager.

The Word Screen

 This section provides an overview of the major elements on the Word Screen, such as menus, toolbars and status bar.

When the word is started, a new, blank document appears on the word screen. The following illustration identifies each part of the word screen.


The Menu bar provides access to the word commands, these commands are grouped together in menus, with only the group (menu) name displayed on the menu bar.

The “toolbars” contain buttons that provide quick access to commonly used commands.

The Ruler allows you to accurately set layout of the document. It allows you to set tabs, indents, and change page margins.

Getting to Word Document

This section explains the basic procedure for creating new documents, saving new documents, saving your work, opening existing documents, and printing .

Creating a Document (Ctrl + N)

To create a new document at any time, click the new button on the standard toolbar. While creating a document such as memo, letter, report or resume, one can often save time by using one of the wizards or templates that come with word.

Opening a Document (Ctrl + O)

To quickly open one of the last documents you worked on, choose it from the bottom of the file menu. To open a document, click on the Open button on the standard toolbar. When the dialog box appears, select the document in the file Name box and then choose the OK button.

Saving a Document (Ctrl + S)

To save a document on disk, click the save button on the standard toolbar. When you save a document for the first time, Word displays the Save As dialog box so that you can type a name for the document.

Printing a Document (Ctrl + P)

Before printing a document, Page breaks and choosing print preview from the file menu checks the overall appearance of the document. To view the document one page at a time, and also edit the text more easily, choose Page Layout from View Menu. When the ready to print, click the Print button on the standard toolbar. Your default printer should be set using windows programs for printing.

Closing a Document and Quitting Word

When finished working in Word close the active  document and then quit Word by choosing Exit( windows) from the file menu. To work on another document in word , close the active document by choosing Close from file menu and then open the other document.

 Typing and Revising Text  

Typing text in MS- Word is very easy and straightforward task, because of the useful word processing features supported by it. When you create a new document in word you can just start typing. Press the Enter key only when you have finished a paragraph.