Government competitive exams are standardized tests conducted by various government bodies to assess candidates’ knowledge, skills, and abilities for specific job positions or academic programs. These exams are prevalent in many countries and cover a wide range of fields including civil services, ssc ibps banking, nda cds defense, cet education degree, and more.


TJSB Sahakari Bank Ltd. is a fast growing and one amongst the leading top three Urban Co-operative Banks in the country is hiring talented and aspiring individuals for the post of “Trainee Officer” of the Bank. Interested candidates may apply online between 23.10.2015 to 02.11.2015 (inclusive of both days) only through the Bank’s website ( – Career Opportunities) after carefully going through the instructions contained in this advertisement. RECRUITMENT IN TRAINEE OFFICER CADRE – 2015-2016 GUIDELINES

SSC Recruitment 122 Multi Tasking Staff Posts(special recruitment drive for PwD candidates)-2015

SSC Recruitment 2015 – Apply Online for 122 Multi Tasking Staff Posts: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has published a notification for the recruitment of Multi Tasking Staff (Non Technical) vacancies (special recruitment drive for PwD candidates) in different states and union territories. Eligible candidates may apply online from 24-10-2015 to 23-11-2015 upto 05:00 PM. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below… 
Read more: Click here Notification-SSC-MTS-Posts (1)

Staff Selection Commission

Staff Selection Commission:

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) (Hindi: कर्मचारी चयन आयोग) is an Indian organization to recruit staff for various posts in the various Ministries and Departments of the Government of India and in Subordinate Offices.

more details: 

IBPS CWE – PO/MT Exam Prepration Classes in Bandra

IBPS PO/MT CWE Admit card Download Online – IBPS PO/MT Common written Exam (CWE) V is going to held in October month. Now they should Download Admit card of IBPS PO/MT CWE 5 by the given link below or via visiting official website of IBPS or Click here

IBPS CWE – PO/MT Exam Prepration Classes in Bandra

Bank Exam Coaching in Bandra

NABARD Recruitment Apply Online for 85 Development Assistant Posts

National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD) has released notification for the recruitment of 85 Development Assistant & Development Assistant (Hindi) vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply online from 08-10-2015 to 30-10-2015. Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below….Advt details… Click here… Apply


RBI Officers Grade ‘B’ Recruitment

About RBI Officers Grade ‘B’
This is the bank exam held for recruitment to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for the job of Grade B officer. Find information regarding paper pattern, salary, exam dates, result etc.The RBI conducts an online exam for recruitment to the post of Grade ‘B’ officer in its branches all over the country.

Online Apply: 5 October to 23 October

Exam date: 21 & 22 November, 7 December

Test Duration & Pattern
Phase-I ON-LINE Examination (Objective Type):Total Marks:200

Sr.No. Name of Tests (Objective) ——————-Duration
1 General Awareness                                           130 minutes
2 English Language
3 Quantitative Aptitude
4 Reasoning

Phase-II Written Examination (Descriptive Type): Total Marks:100

Sr.No. Name of Tests —————————– Duration
1 English                                                          180 minutes
2 Economic and Social Issues
3 Finance and Management

Exam Format
The Phase – I exam is conducted online and the Phase II exam is written.More details: Click Hererbi exm

Indian Public Career Institute

IPCI Banking Course of our Institute includes thorough grooming and training in all the subjects of all IBPS, BANK PROBATIONARY, SPECIALIST OFFICER & CLERK EXAMINATIONS of State Bank and Public Sector Bank. It also fully covers RBI Grade ‘A’ & Grade ‘B’ (Preliminary Exams), LIC & NIC Asstt. Administrative Officer and similar exams when announced periodically.It covers fully, Tests of Reasoning including all analytical tests and logical reasoning tests, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness (with special reference to Banking industry) ,English Language, Marketing Aptitude, Computer Knowledge and Descriptive type paper.

The entire Course is aligned to the latest pattern of Bank Probationary Officer & Clerk tests conducted by IBPS and conducted by State Bank of India and its Associate Banks. IPCI supply detailed with practice Text Books on all subjects, free Online practice set and online test series, as part of the Course. more detail: Click here

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IPCI(Indian Public Career Institute) over the year has come to symbolize the true spirit of dedication to the task of maintaining a standard of education for MCA Entrance tests like NIMCET, TANCET, CUSAT, PONDI…MAH-CET, JNU, HCU etc. The Institute received the unstinted co-operation of our experienced faculty team and ground staff, in the arduous task and the results has been a consistent excellence shown by the IPCI’s student. more details: Click here

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About IBPS in Banking Exam

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is an autonomous body set up to evolve and implement world class processes of assessment and selection of personnel for various client organizations. The foundation of the Institute is based on the philosophy of Speed, Accuracy and Confidentiality in all its activities and it strives t achieve this through a blend of modern technology and academic expertise. IBPS provides its service to all Public Sector Banks, SBI, Associate Banks of SBI, RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, few Co.op.Banks, LIC & Insurance companies which are regular members of the IBPS society. In addition to that Regional Rural Banks, many Public Sector Undertakings of Non-financial sectors, Government Departments, State owned companies and Corporations also avail its services. Some major universities an reputed Management institutes engage IBPS regularly for conduct of their “Admission Tests”. Over the years, IBPS has gained reputation of being a major “Personnel Selection Test Conducting Agency” of the country. Its strength lies in its capability to develop an construct Multiple Choice Objective Tests & tools used for mass level test in programmes and its ability to conduct these exams simultaneously for lakhs & lakhs of candidates in about 200 cities/towns all over India and also in few foreign locations. I addition to that IBPS also has expertise in conduct of “Assessment Centres” & “Group Dynamics Related Personality Assessments” for selection and/or testing of personnel at higher level positions like AGMs/DGMs/GM etc.